Parco Fiume Brenta

The initiative was born to improve the management of the Brenta River and promote an economy based on a network of companies, associations and bodies that want to manage the synergies between the territory and the river in a responsible way.

We have an idea of an innovative, professional Park, an engine of economic, social and environmental development. A collector of subjects, sub-projects and interventions that want to improve the Brenta area.

In other words, a Park that says “YES”!!

  • YES to nature and the recovery of natural areas
  • YES to enterprises made up of young people for the circular economy
  • YES to quality of life with healthy food, zero kilometer farming, physical activity, cultural socialization and spiritual well-being
  • YES to sustainable tourism (cycling, refreshment and bathing areas)
  • YES to sport (feet, horse, mtb, kayak, canoe…)

The initiative was born in 2016 thanks to the commitment of Etifor | Valuing Nature. The iniative began to generate interest thanks to the crowdfunding “A park for the Brenta River”, which has been the most successful fundraising activity dedicated to a Natura 2000 area in Italy. 10,000 euros were collected from about 100 private citizens, 47,000 euros from coastal municipalities, 20,000 euros from sustainable businesses in the area. Visit the about us page to find out who contributed to the initiative.

This first result was fundamental to give us the boost we needed to plan the first public funding, which arrived in 2017 with the PSR Gruppo Operativo Brenta 2020. This first group collaboration was then able to channel a total of 3 million euros into the territory through the LIFE Brenta 2030 and Gruppo Operativo Brenta 2030 projects.

But our story has just begun…

Questo primo risultato è stato fondamentale per darci la spinta di cui avevamo bisogno per progettare i primi finanziamenti pubblici, arrivati nel 2017 con il PSR Gruppo Operativo Brenta 2020. Questo primo gruppo di collaborazione è stato poi in grado di convogliare sul territorio in totale 3 milioni di euro attraverso i progetti LIFE Brenta 2030 e Gruppo Operativo Brenta 2030.
Ma la nostra storia è appena cominciata…

Parco Fiume Brenta, step by step

“A Park for the Brenta River” is born
January, 2016

The initiative aims to improve the management of the Brenta River and promote an economy made up of a network of companies, associations and bodies that want to manage in a responsible way the synergies between territory and river.

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Crowdfunding for “A Park for the River Brenta”
June, 2016

Collected more than 10,000 euros from 100 people and companies sensitive to issues of land management and enhancement of environmental value and sports and educational activities compatible with the river ecosystem.

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The Operative Group is born: the PSR for cooperation
June, 2017

The Operating Group (phase 1 – called GO Brenta 2020 – Measure 16 of the Veneto Region PSR) is a network of public and private entities that work together for better management of the river.

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GO Brenta 2030 Project
April, 2019

The Operational Group launches a project to transform land use conflicts into funding opportunities (phase 2 of Measure 16 of the Veneto Region RDP).

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Start of LIFE Brenta 2030
July, 2019

A major conservation and governance project to improve biodiversity and water resources in the Middle Brenta starts.

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Educational activities
December, 2019

100 interventions per year for a total of 400 environmental education workshops, involving 8,000 students on the themes of biodiversity and management of the Brenta River. [E 4, LIFE]

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Training course for farmers
February, 2020

3 rounds of meetings on multifunctionality in agriculture and related funding opportunities. [A 3.1, GO]

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Study on land use and risk of water contamination
April, 2020

In-depth research on farms and possible changes of use that reduce the risk of contamination of the water table. [A 2.2, G]

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Workshops for farmers
May, 2020

Field trips to show local farmers successful examples of multifunctionality. [A 3.2, GO]

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Launch event
June, 2020

TOGETHER FOR THE FUTURE OF THE RIVER BRENTA. An opportunity to deepen the context of the river and the LIFE project, discussing with experts in the area. Browse the presentations and watch the recording of the event in the dedicated page [E2, LIFE]

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Training Course
June, 2020

The training course aims to improve the management of the Natura 2000 site “Grave e Zone Umide del Brenta” and to increase the social capital of the area through training and confrontation between all the realities of the territory. The training is addressed to municipal technicians, environmental and ecology councillors, local authorities and environmental and civil society associations. For details and registration please visit the page dedicated to the training path [A4, LIFE]

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Creation of a demonstration wetland on agricultural land
July, 2020

Conversion of agricultural land into a wetland to increase biodiversity. [A 3.3, GO]

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Environmental Presidium
January, 2021

The start of activities in the protected areas of the river, by a multifunctional operator of ETRA that will take care of environmental control and waste collection. [C6, LIFE]

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Delivery Model of Underground Water Table
March, 2021

A study to understand how the water moves under our feet. [A2, LIFE]

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Methodology for the inclusion in the water tariff of the environmental cost
July, 2021

How to recover in the water bill the environmental costs incurred by the local area for drinking water? C1, LIFE

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Water rate application
May, 2023

Recognition of environmental costs arising from the drinking water withdrawal in the territory, through a management plan integrated with the Brenta Basin Area Plan. [C1, LIFE]

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Project replication in 3 new cases
June, 2023

The scheme created in the project will be replicated in three other sites with suitable features. [E3, LIFE]

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A new governance for the territory
July, 2023

Improvement of the organizational and economic structure of the area, also in relation to approaches related to the enhancement of ecosystem services. [A4, LIFE]

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Creation and restoration of multifunctional wet habitats
February, 2024

Creation of wetlands, floating islands, forests and meadows along the river rod of the Middle Brenta. [C3, LIFE]

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New infrastructure for visitors
February, 2024

Installation of information panels, new paths and fences for visitors at the intervention sites. [C4, LIFE]

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Closing Event
May, 2024

A big national conference to close the project. The opportunity to present the great results achieved by LIFE to a national audience of experts and stakeholders. [E2, LIFE]

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Scope Plan Delivery
October, 2024

Unite in a single plan the instances of Natura 2000 and the drinking water resource, to concentrate efforts on multifunctional interventions and achieve a unified and non-confrontational management. [A1, LIFE]

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