The LIFE Brenta 2030 project aims to increase biodiversity and improve the provision of water-related ecosystem services of river habitats, wetlands and agricultural areas of the Natura 2000 site “Grave e Zone Umide del Brenta“.
The project focuses mainly on the drinking water sector because it is the most economically relevant ecosystem service and is a priority field of work for all institutions involved. To combine several objectives, the project aims to promote good governance by creating positive synergies between drinking water and biodiversity conservation, mitigating and transforming the main threats into funding opportunities for the conservation of the Natura 2000 site to which it is addressed.
In this sense, it enters into full synergy with the Gruppo Operativo Brenta 2030, which focuses on critical issues related to the agricultural world and connects them to Natura 2000 issues.
The LIFE Programme
The LIFE Programme is the European Union’s financing instrument for the environment and climate created in 1992 and divided into two sub-programmes, one for the environment (representing 75% of the total budget) and one for climate (representing 25% of the budget). The current funding period 2014-2020 has a total budget of EUR 3.4 billion.
Nature and biodiversity
The LIFE Brenta 2030 project (LIFE18 -NAT_EN_000756) is part of the LIFE Nature and Biodiversity sub-programme (area: biodiversity). The sub-programme was created to finance nature conservation projects contributing to the implementation of the Community Directives on biodiversity and the management of the Natura 2000 network.
Find out more about the LIFE programme on the EASME site, the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises which was set up by the European Commission to manage EU programmes in the areas of SME support and innovation, environment, climate action, energy and maritime affairs: visit the official page.
Project Objectives

Implementation of green and blue infrastructure and restoration of wet habitats functional to biodiversity conservation and groundwater recharge

Study and implementation of a pilot funding mechanism for the conservation of water resources and biodiversity

Design and establishment of an innovative governance system capable of ensuring the sustainability and replicability of conservation actions and interventions
LIFE Brenta 2030, step by step
TOGETHER FOR THE FUTURE OF THE RIVER BRENTA. An opportunity to deepen the context of the river and the LIFE project, discussing with experts in the area. Browse the presentations and watch the recording of the event in the dedicated page [E2, LIFE]
Share this pageThe training course aims to improve the management of the Natura 2000 site “Grave e Zone Umide del Brenta” and to increase the social capital of the area through training and confrontation between all the realities of the territory. The training is addressed to municipal technicians, environmental and ecology councillors, local authorities and environmental and civil society associations. For details and registration please visit the page dedicated to the training path [A4, LIFE]
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The Brenta after the LIFE project
LIFE Brenta 2030 bases its essence and originality in an innovative “business model” that allows the financing and therefore the perpetuation of the actions foreseen by the project itself. Thanks to the synergies developed within the project between biodiversity and water resource management, between biodiversity and waste collection, ETRA and the Brenta Basin Council – together with the rest of the partnership – will be able to maintain a series of additional activities because they are however linked to their primary activity: water resources management, protection of conservation areas and waste collection.
Etra (capofila)
Etra – Energia Territorio Risorse Ambientali è una multiutility a totale proprietà pubblica che dal 2006 gestisce il servizio idrico integrato, la gestione dei rifiuti e delle acque reflue nell’area del bacino del Brenta.
Etifor is a spin-off of the University of Padua that provides consultancy in the field of responsible management of natural resources; the company is a leader in Italy in the analysis and enhancement of ecosystem services and biodiversity through the definition of innovative financing policies and instruments.
Consiglio di Bacino Brenta
The Brenta Basin Council is the Government Body of the “Brenta” Optimal Territorial Area. It is responsible for tariff regulation and integrated water service planning.
Municipality of Carmignano di Brenta
The Municipality is the territorial leader in local initiatives that ensures the area, although fundamental for water supply, does not lose the environmental value that has always characterized it.
Veneto Acque
Veneto Acque S.p.A., a company controlled by the Veneto Region, has the mission to guarantee the citizens of Veneto full and safe availability of drinking water through the distribution of water resources to integrated water service companies.
University of Padua, Territory and Agro-Forestal Systems Department
The University of Padua is a modern, multidisciplinary and highly specialized training institute thanks to its departmental structure. The activity of the Department of Land and Agro-Forestry Systems (TESAF) is strongly oriented towards the study, conservation, effective management and sustainable use of agricultural, forestry and environmental resources.
Agenzia Veneta per l’Innovazione nel Settore Primario – Veneto Agricoltura
The Agency carries out support activities for the Regional Council in the field of agricultural, forestry, agri-food and fishery policies. The Agency is involved in the protection of biodiversity through the management of state forests, nature reserves and the Biodiversity Centre.
Municipality of Bassano del Grappa, Municipality of Campo San Martino, Municipality of Cartigliano, Municipality of Cittadella, Municipality of Curtarolo, Municipality of Fontaniva, Municipality of Grantorto, Municipality of Limena, Municipality of Nove, Municipality of Piazzola sul Brenta, Municipality of Pozzoleone, Municipality of San Giorgio in Bosco, Municipality of Tezze sul Brenta, Municipality of Vigodarzere
Girolibero, Fondazione G.E. Ghirardi ONLUS, FSC® Italia, Sgambaro, Coop Alleanza 3.0, Legor Group, Cooperativa Sociale Jonathan
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